Orso Blog

How Farmscape and Orso found the perfect project to highlight for the LA Times

After a series of phone interviews and photoshoots, the LA Times published the piece online in mid-October, and followed it up with prime placement in the print edition on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. It showed the family in a heartfelt light during a heartwarming time of year while also providing Farmscape with important business-generating visibility.

Getting to Know Orso Director of Copy Kelly Williams

From self-professed “word nerd” to literary academic, from Ohio to Paris, from Princeton to People, Kelly has had a rewarding, whirlwind of a career. Orso – and our clients – are lucky to have her.

Giving Thanks and Giving Back: Supporting Local Food Charities This Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving, we’re giving back by supporting local food charities in our communities – from Southern California to Detroit and a few stops in between.

Meet Orso Account Manager Krista Allenby

Orso’s newest Account Manager, Krista has a diverse work background that includes entrepreneurship, construction, fundraising, and photography. In addition helping Orso’s clients grow their businesses, she fosters special-needs dogs and raises money for dog rescues in her Austin, Texas community.

Meet Our Newest Team Member, Toto

October marks the agency’s tenth anniversary, and to celebrate, we’re finding ways to give back. Each month we’re making a charitable contribution to a cause that’s near and dear to the hearts of those we care about (our families, friends, colleagues, and clients) in the hopes of raising awareness of organizations doing great work out in the world.