Orso Blog

How Farmscape is expanding its reach by seizing the moment

With Orso’s support, California’s largest food-focused, sustainable landscaping company Farmscape earned coverage in both NBC’s California Live and Architectural Digest. They met cultural moments with on-brand expertise and a readiness to show off their inspiring projects.

A pop-up for Grillo’s pickles? Yes please.

The past few months we’ve been working with our client Grillo’s Pickles in preparation for their second annual pickle pop-up in New York City’s Lower East Side (a part of the city famously keen on brine). Last year’s event proved there was a real hunger for the concept (and the pickles) while highlighting opportunities to engage an even broader set of fans.

How Red’s compelling, authentic story earned them a placement in Forbes

Watching Red’s embrace the power of PR and storytelling to grow their brand has been a joy. Even better? Seeing that PR lead to increased visibility and growth for their company.