Giving Thanks and Giving Back: Supporting Local Food Charities This Thanksgiving
This time of year, we’re looking forward to spending time with family and friends, watching football, and eating too much turkey with all the trimmings. For the record, we consider pie a “trimming.”
But we realize not everyone is lucky enough to have enough to eat, let alone enjoy a warm, comforting meal, on Thanksgiving. To do our small part this year, Orso is making charitable donations to a few of our favorite charities that provide nutritious food to communities where our team members live and work, from Southern California to Detroit.

Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County helps Southern California residents facing food insecurity—a somewhat hidden problem in the area—with a special focus on vulnerable groups such as working families, college students, and seniors. They provide a wide range of fresh, nutritious food, to help build community health.

One of the first food banks in the U.S. and a founding member of Feeding America, the Detroit-based Gleaners Community Food Bank helps hungry residents throughout Southeast Michigan. With help from the Detroit Lions, the group recently assembled 5,000 boxed Thanksgiving meals with frozen turkeys, gravy, veggies, and cranberries, and they’re still going.

Northern Illinois Food Bank offers free groceries to neighbors in need. Working closely with over 900 food pantries, mobile food truck markets, and soup kitchens, they give residents the flexibility and dignity to choose their own food.

Finally, because pets are family, too, we’re supporting Austin Humane Society’s Pet Food Pantry, whose mission is to keep people and pets together by providing cat and dog food to animals, and people, in crisis.
We hope you’ll considering joining our efforts this holiday season and donating to Second Harvest, Gleaners, Northern Illinois Food Bank, Austin Humane Society, or to your favorite food charity.