Meet Our Newest Team Member, Toto
October marks the agency’s tenth anniversary, and to celebrate, we’re finding ways to give back. Each month we’re making a charitable contribution to a cause that’s near and dear to the hearts of those we care about (our families, friends, colleagues, and clients) in the hopes of raising awareness of organizations doing great work out in the world. Given our namesake (Orso is the Italian word for bear) and a shared love of animals across our team, it only made sense that our first donation would involve our four-legged friends—specifically, adopting an adorable orphaned elephant named Toto.

We learned about Toto and his fellow orphans from our longtime client and friend Claudia McLaughlin, who recently visited Nairobi, Kenya, with her brother to present a check from their family foundation to the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. For 50 years, the trust has run the most successful orphan elephant rescue and rehabilitation program in the world, hand rearing animals and returning them safely to a protected wilderness. In addition to elephants, they also care for rhinos and other animals in danger from issues like poaching, drought, and deforestation.
Claudia was fortunate enough to see the rescue’s day-to-day work up close. “The level of commitment to these animals and their success in returning them to the wild is amazing,” she says. “The elephants all have their own handlers and are never left alone. They’re fed every three hours, and when the handlers brought them in to eat, the elephants were so excited, they were trumpeting!”

Although it’s not clear how he lost his mother, Toto’s story is especially poignant. He arrived at the rescue at just a few days old as a tiny, malnourished calf. Despite his tough start in life, today he’s thriving alongside his orphan siblings and is always proud to show off his budding new tusk. He also loves playing soccer with any ball available, listening to country music at bedtime, and getting weekly coconut oil baths (to protect his delicate skin and condition that fluffy hair!).
We’re excited to be part of Toto’s “digital foster” family to help cover his 24/7 care needs. That said, more than one member of our team selflessly volunteered to babysit Toto on-site. We can always dream!
We hope you’ll consider supporting the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust’s rescue program for orphaned elephants, rhinos, or giraffes, and sharing the news of the great work they do.